Archive d’étiquettes pour : leadership


Témoignage authentique d’un dirigeant “libérateur”

Syl­vain Pierre est tou­chant d’au­then­ti­ci­té et son dis­cours ne cherche pas à enjo­li­ver la véri­té de son expé­rience d’en­tre­prise libé­rée. A voir !

The Star Treck Lesson on Leadership to Twitter

Did you ever dream of “hea­ring” what a lea­der has in her head when she takes a decision ?

The Twit­ter co-foun­der talks about how “Star Trek: The Next Gene­ra­tion” influen­ced his mana­ge­ment style in this inter­view with The Post’s Lil­lian Cun­nin­gham. (Lil­lian Cun­nin­gham, Gil­lian Bro­ckell, Casey Capa­chi & Julio C. Negron/The Washing­ton Post)

The rest of the inter­view could be read on the Washing­ton post website